Explore eligibility details for the Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship, an opportunity for accounting students to reduce their tuition.
St. 竞技宝app下载安装 provides up to $3,500 to one or more accounting students each year through the Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship. Explore the requirements and application process below.
The Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate accounting students with a preference for graduates of Wahlert Catholic High School (or any Catholic high school); college juniors or seniors; and those involved in student activities and/or Wellness and 娱乐.
The Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship is disbursed following a straightforward process:
Experience the seamless financial support of the Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship as you pursue your accounting degree at St. 竞技宝app下载安装.
Applying for a scholarship is easy. 遵循以下步骤.
To qualify for the Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship, you need to apply to SAU and meet eligibility requirements. Complete the application and enroll.
The application for Accounting 奖学金 opens on April 1. 提交申请 to be considered for the Derrek Drexler Accounting Scholarship.
If you have questions about Accounting 奖学金, please reach out to Financial 援助 for support.
先前学习的学分 recognizes your existing knowledge and skills, expediting your degree jour
转移学分 honor your previous coursework, fast-tracking your academic journey.
Discover benefits you qualify for and ease your transition to college with military tuition assistan